Gluten Free & Dairy Free at Heart
Gluten Free & Dairy Free at Heart
Gluten Free & Dairy Free at Heart!
In my heart I know living gluten-free and dairy-free is right for me. Some people ask why I’m on the diet. Why not Paleo, or Keto, or the next latest fad diet that has popularity.
I was diagnosed a coeliac 25 years ago and decided to live dairy-free over 5 years ago. I have chosen these food choices as they help me live a healthier lifestyle. I have several autoimmune diseases and I find when I eat certain foods, my symptoms become worse.
When I’m working with clients, it is a slow process. I don’t recommend a change of diet immediately, but to stop, slow down, monitor and listen to your body and its needs. Often our body and how it reacts to what we eat has been with us, but we have learnt to tune out from what it is trying to tell us both physically and emotionally.
If you feel like you need a helping hand on the journey then reach out and ask for help. We all had to start at the beginning of this journey and I totally understand how hard the journey can seem.
I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!
Emma Alexander-Cook.